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Matrox Parhelia Reef Demo – The Best DirectX 8 Benchmark Ever?
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Matrox Parhelia Reef Demo – The Best DirectX 8 Benchmark Ever?(Cont.)
- Submited Thursday, March 13th, 2003 at 6:31 PM By tmmicklabs    
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Now kick back and enjoy the visuals. Once the demo is complete you will see Screen2 again. You need to hit the "Scroll Lock" again to stop logging the frame rate. Then hit the ESC key to exit the Reef Demo. Now let’s browse to "C:\Fraps" and open the text file called "frapslog.txt".

Inside this file you will find your framerate for Average(Avg), Minimum(Min), and Maximum(Max) frames per second. The average is the number that we are looking for. Here is and example from my computer.

2003-03-08 13:16:52 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 5891 - Time: 125511ms - Avg: 46.936 - Min: 26 - Max: 76

Benchmark results

Here are the Specs of the Testbed I used to run the Reef Demo:

Athlon XP 1600+
Epox 8KHA+ motherboard with Via KT266A Chipset
512mb of PC-2100 DDR-Ram
64mb ATI Radeon 8500 Video Card
Maxtor Diamond Max 60gb 7200rpm ATA-100 Harddrive

The first test I ran was with the video card settings at factory default…meaning 0x Anisotropic Filtering and 0x Anti-Aliasing. Here are the results.

2003-03-08 13:16:52 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 5891 - Time: 125511ms - Avg: 46.936 - Min: 26 - Max: 76

Not too shabby for a video card that is 18 months old.
Low lets crank up the Anisotropic Filtering to 16X and see what happens.

2003-03-08 13:22:35 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 5876 - Time: 125251ms - Avg: 46.913 - Min: 26 - Max: 76

Still 46 frames per second. Looks like the Radeon 8500 handles Anistropic Filtering without any kind of performance hit. Very cool. Now let’s leave the Anisotropic Filtering at 16x and crank the Anti-Aliasing up to 4x and see what happens.

2003-03-08 13:12:34 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 2125 - Time: 127062ms - Avg: 16.724 - Min: 14 - Max: 21

16 frames per second =’-( Ouch. My poor little Radeon 8500 does not have enough memory bandwidth to handle 4x Anti-Aliasing. Now let’s turn the Anti-Aliasing back off and over clock the Athon XP cpu from 1400mhz to 1570mhz and see what happens.

2003-03-08 14:56:26 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 5887 - Time: 125321ms - Avg: 46.975 - Min: 26 - Max: 76

Wow. Just about no performance increase whatsoever. This is a good thing believe it or not. This means that the Reef Demo is strictly a GPU bound benchmark. Very good news indeed. Now lets clock the Athlon XP cpu back down to 1400mhz and crank the core of the Radeon 8500 GPU up to 295mhz from the stock 275mhz and see what happens.

2003-03-08 15:11:52 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 6191 - Time: 125410ms - Avg: 49.366 - Min: 27 - Max: 80

BAM!!!! I nice little increase of 3 frames per second. It looks like the increasing GPU core clock definitely makes a difference in this benchmark. Now let’s bump the GPU core back down to 275mhz and raise the video ram up to 295mhz from the stock 275mhz and see what happens.

2003-03-08 14:56:26 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 5887 - Time: 125321ms - Avg: 46.992 - Min: 26 - Max: 76

Looks like overclocking the video ram is not gonna help any for this benchmark.

Now let take out the Radeon 8500 and put in a Gerforce 4 TI 4400 and see what happens. I set the Geforce 4 at 0x Anisotropic Filtering and 0x Anti-Aliasing for the first run.

2003-03-12 20:59:42 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 24403 - Time: 486610ms - Avg: 50.148 - Min: 11 - Max: 75

Looks like the Geforce 4 TI 4400 is also very good at running the Reef Demo. 50 frames per second is nothing to laugh at with a demo this intense in graphical quality. Now let’s crank up the Anisotropic Filter to 8x and the Anti-Aliasing to 4x and see what happens.

2003-03-13 21:47:40 - FishDemoClient
Frames: 26747 - Time: 755286ms - Avg: 35.413 - Min: 1 - Max: 50

Holy crap. Look at those results. Looks like the Geforce 4 TI 4400 is scoring twice the framerate as the Radeon 8500 with Anisotropic Filtering and Anti-Aliasing cranked up.

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