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  Tuesday, Dec 21, 2004 Report News | Archive | Top  
EA Sports Buys Exclusive NFL Rights
- Posted 8:17 PM By WaRMaN
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EA Sports recently struck a deal with the National Football League (NFL) and the Players INC to have exclusive rights to player names, stadium names and pretty much everything else that has to do with the NFL for the next five years. What does this mean for the other football developers? They will not be able to develop football games that have any NFL content. So, the Madden NFL series will be the only NFL football game you will see on game shelves!

Sega and Take Two responded by saying it would not crush them financially, but would stop the integrity of developing a better game each year. Also, the days of ESPN's $19.99 NFL games are over. EA pretty much bought the rights to ensure you pay $50 or more their title. With no competition, will EA Sports put forth the effort to better the game? I can't believe that such a thing has happened, or let happen by all the money hungry parties.

I have stated before how EA sports releases "patches" every year and calls them "games." Madden NFL is not worth $50 every year. EA has shown it's greed before by stating there is more money to take from the gamers and we will take it. I was so happy when EA's President moved on allowing XBOX LIVE fans to enjoy all EA sports titles, but I never saw the buy out from EA, or is it the sell out of the NFL and Players INC? The NFL players are so well taken care of financially that I can't see why it is necessary to cheat videogamers out of a competitive market of NFL games.

4 Comments Posted

#1 by EvilTekno on Wednesday, Dec 22 at 12:06 AM 
Seems EA didn't stop with just the NFL license. After aquiring the NFL rights
in a 5 year contract, they seeked to get the same kind of deal with the NBA.

The NBA game market is a different deal then the NFL market, and it seems the
NBA has rejected EA's offer. No word if a MBL offer is in the works, but there
are already ongoing contracts with other companies to produce games at the
moment so we'll just have to wait and see.

The issue with EA buying almost 20% of stock in Ubisoft will be another thing
to watch as EA tries to expand and cover more of the market.
#2 by WaRMaN on Wednesday, Dec 22 at 1:02 PM I'm glad that the NBA took a stand for the gamers! It is nicve to see that someone still cares about the public in general. You won't see me at any NFL games for a long time.
#3 by KaiserRoll on Friday, Dec 24 at 1:06 AM /me waits for ESPN Rugby
#4 by KaiserRoll on Friday, Dec 24 at 1:08 AM Also, EA is full of heartless bastards that don't care about games. The people who actually make the games try thier darndest to produce a good product but you often see the results of EA's interference.

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