UTWatcher 1.30 is Released

Posters Name: Squirre1
Posters Email: squirre1@mwgl.org
Subject: UTWatcher 1.30 is Released

El Muerte has created a new version of the popular UT server monitor called UTWatcher. With this version 1.30 the fixes are:

- the IP address in the "search ngWorldStats" is now alright, without the port number
- the "null-remote address" error should not accure anymore.
- The join server now uses the correct port (pointed out by Bryan Wright)
- fixed the "find LAN option" again.. Now also works of A and C class IPs
- You can now disable the version check on startup (see the program options)
- You can also change the text in the Title bar (see the program options)
- fixed a lot of other bugs (with help from »ÐHЫeLGeiX)

You can download the latest UTWatcher here.

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